Atticus Defeat Quotes

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One’s decision to stand up for their beliefs even with the possibility of defeat has the ability to impact individual and societal views and can inspire others to do the same.
An example of this can be found in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, from the decisions that Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, makes throughout the novel. As a lawyer defending a coloured man for a rape charge, Atticus is well aware of the plausible defeat. Atticus not only risks his reputation in Maycomb society but can also change the way his own children view him. Even with the potential uncertainty, Atticus persists in an attempt to teach his children by example and to change views of the prejudiced community. Overall, Atticus chooses to stand up for what is right
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Atticus’s occupation as a lawyer can reflect some of his moral beliefs and his character. He is quite well known for his abilities in court and has aided people in the past, such as the Cunninghams. “After a dreary conversation in our living room one night about his entailment, before Mr.
Cunningham left he said, “Mr. Finch, I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to pay you.” “Let that be the least of your worries, Walter,” Atticus said” (20)
This quote indicates that Atticus does not work as a lawyer due to the income, but rather to help people and to solve the legal issues his friends and neighbours are struggling with. As a result, Atticus defends Tom Robinson simply because he believes that Tom is innocent and deserving of defence. Atticus’s skills as a lawyer are undeniably impressive. This is demonstrated throughout the novel, and it is all driven by his motivation to bring justice and equity.
“Atticus was trying to show, it seemed to me, that Mr. Ewell could have beaten up Mayella. That much I could follow. If her right eye was blacked and she was beaten mostly on the right side of the face, it would tend to show that a left-handed person did it”
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Atticus chooses to defend Tom, fully aware of the judgemental people of Maycomb. He knows that his reputation will be tarnished from his decision, but does it anyway, hoping that he can sway the public’s opinions.“Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win,” Atticus said.” (78). Atticus is trying to say that although they will not win, due to the racial discrimination in the court, there is no reason to not try anyway. This displays perseverance in Atticus’s character, because he defends Tom to try to change the opinions of the jury, even when at a substantial disadvantage. Courage is very important to Atticus, as he risks many things to bring justice to the trial. His goal is to end the prejudice that occurs in court, and although he knows this is impossible, he is makes the choice to try his best. "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do” (115-116). Atticus explains that courage is not always about violence, but rather fighting for change even when victory is not plausible. This helps makes Scout see her father as very

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