He was sent to spy on the anti-Semitic nationalist group, but he started realizing he was agreeing with what they were saying. Hitler found the group unorganized. Hitler ended up giving a speech at one of the meetings and every meeting after that one. He started to realize that a lot of people were becoming a part of this group just to watch him present speeches. Shortly after he became leader and re-named the group to National Socialist German Workers’ Party in 1921, Nazi party. Hitler rose to power on March 5, 1933. That’s when the Nazi’s took over the state government. They replaced the traditional office holders with Nazi commissioners. On March 15, 1933 a meeting was held talking about what was left to get the Enabling Act passed. The Enabling Act gave power to one person to make laws without involvement of the other partner. This power would be given to Hilter, allowing him to make laws, control budget, and approve treaties with other governments. Since Hitler wanted to use violence, he had a lot more people were willing to use violence as well. In 1920, Hitler gave a speech at a party he organized. Around 1920 and 1930, the Nazi’s got enough support to become one of the largest political parties. At about 1923, Hitler formed two organizations. Each organization would have a great significance. One group was …show more content…
Mussolini’s March on Rome made Hitler realize that he had the right strategy to seize control over the country. The army was loyal to Hitler, so they would help supply the SA with weapons. Hitler attempted his strategy on November 8-9, 1923, but resulted in sixteen NSDAP officers and four police officers dead along with a failed mission. Hitler was arrested on