The Purpose Of Common Sense By Thomas Paine

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Thomas Paine wrote the famous pamphlet, "Common Sense", in the year of 1776 due to the ridiculous laws that King George III and the British Parliament were passing. This was the time where some of the American colonists did not agree with the laws of the British Parliament and they were starting to do something about it, like Thomas Paine and "Common Sense". Some of the laws included: the Sugar Act, which taxed imported goods that came into the American colonies, and the Stamp Act, which taxed anything written. These are just two of the laws that built up the anger of the colonists. Thomas Paine was one of those angry colonists, and he decided to write about this injustice. He wanted to show the people how unfair the King and the British Parliament …show more content…
He wanted the government to be a democracy, in which every civilian would have a say in the government. Also, he said that another purpose of government is to provide security for the people. Paine thought, if all people acted morally, government would not be necessary. However, since people do not act that way, government would be a necessary evil. Lastly, Paine claims that his view of government is based on the principle, "that the more simple anything is, the less liable it is to be disordered." He presented government as an institution whose function is to restrain the evil in …show more content…
There are some degrees in it that is pretty extreme, but I overall agree with him entirely. The only thing that really put me on edge is when Paine said that the use of a monarchy is a sin. While I believe that this monarchy is limiting to the people, I don 't think that it is sinful. It may not seem like the right thing to do for a nation, but it’s not the worst thing that can happen. However, I agree with all of his arguments and points. He really uses common sense when writing to the people about how we need independence and liberty. Which brings to me to another point, individual liberties. I am all for individual rights and freedom, like religion and happiness. Thomas Paine 's arguments were all hard hitting to me, and I agreed with him. He was a lover of his country and he wanted what was best for it, and I think the

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