Keystone XL Pipeline Research Paper

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The Keystone XL pipeline is consisting of 1,179-mile-long pipeline to transport up to 800,000 roughly of barrels per day of oil crude from Alberta, Canada and the Bakken Shale on Montana. This pipeline would cross the U.S border near Morgan, Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska, where it would be connected to existing pipeline facilities near Steel City, Nebraska for onward delivery to Cussing, Oklahoma and the Texas Gulf Coast region. The Canadian company TransCanada initially proposed the pipeline in 2005 and applied to the State Department for a construction permit in 2008. However, TransCanada, the company behind the project is still waiting for the State Department to approve it. Keystone XL pipeline is one of the most controversial projects in American politics due to the proponents and the opponents of the pipeline. Some Americans, especially proponent of the environmental argue that this project will badly affect the environment and climate change, which would cause a massive carbon dioxide on the air. They also argue that Canadian government should not support this project, due to the mass …show more content…
I think the mass producer of carbon dioxide is in the Asian Pacific region. Such as, China and India where, there many corporations that are producing greenhouses, but have no clear intention to decrease it. There are many ways that both U.S and Canada government can come up with plans to reduce the carbon dioxide produce with technology. Moreover, if environmentalist believe that this project will be a disaster for the climate change. Instead, they can transport oil by rails, but bringing oil by rail is also having its risk and hazards. For instance, carrying the huge amount of oil can also be exploded. It can cause severely damage in the air and land. In most severe cases, if there is a big explosion while carrying oil by rails, it might take many people’s

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