Some think that it is unethical to choose children’s traits. Often times, choosing a child’s traits is preventing them from getting a certain disease. For example, if a child is predisposed to have medullary cystic disease, which is linked to blonde or red hair, the parents could choose an embryo with the genetics to have brown hair to reduce the risk. It is also a concern that people could be creating multiple babies just to pick the most desirable and discard the rest (Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: PGD). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is actually preventing abortions of a more developed baby. Often parents abort pregnancies when they find out their baby has a detrimental disease or disability (Hughes). Cancer is one of the top three causes of death in the United States. Many types of cancers are genetic, such as the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes for breast cancer (Robertson). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis can help to prevent many of these possible offspring from having to suffer through chemotherapy and loom near death. The CBS television show Sunday Morning did a story on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and all of the families interviewed were glad that they went through pre-implantation genetic
Some think that it is unethical to choose children’s traits. Often times, choosing a child’s traits is preventing them from getting a certain disease. For example, if a child is predisposed to have medullary cystic disease, which is linked to blonde or red hair, the parents could choose an embryo with the genetics to have brown hair to reduce the risk. It is also a concern that people could be creating multiple babies just to pick the most desirable and discard the rest (Preimplantation genetic diagnosis: PGD). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is actually preventing abortions of a more developed baby. Often parents abort pregnancies when they find out their baby has a detrimental disease or disability (Hughes). Cancer is one of the top three causes of death in the United States. Many types of cancers are genetic, such as the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes for breast cancer (Robertson). Preimplantation genetic diagnosis can help to prevent many of these possible offspring from having to suffer through chemotherapy and loom near death. The CBS television show Sunday Morning did a story on pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and all of the families interviewed were glad that they went through pre-implantation genetic