Many local businesses are unable to pay out that much to employees, since they themselves can often struggle with staying financially solvent. While this would not harm large companies nearly as much as smaller ones, they are the ones often more resistant to it, such as the McDonald's corporation. There is also a potential harm to employees, since some employers could avoid paying health insurances by not putting employees on full time schedules. This could also phase out teen workers since employers would be looking to those more skilled or available workers, which is usually more prevalent in adults and
Many local businesses are unable to pay out that much to employees, since they themselves can often struggle with staying financially solvent. While this would not harm large companies nearly as much as smaller ones, they are the ones often more resistant to it, such as the McDonald's corporation. There is also a potential harm to employees, since some employers could avoid paying health insurances by not putting employees on full time schedules. This could also phase out teen workers since employers would be looking to those more skilled or available workers, which is usually more prevalent in adults and