Minimum Wage Should Be Raised

Improved Essays
Should Minimum Wage In The U.S Be Raised?

The question of whether or not minimum wage should be raised in the U.S has been an ongoing debate among the general population for a while, but especially in the recent years. The minimum wage federally in America right now is $7.25 and has been since 2009. Many people debate on very opposite ends of the spectrum, most people are either really set on raising the wage, or completely against it. With the worst recession in a generation still being felt across the nation, raising the minimum wage is an important strategy for doing both and should be part of an economic recovery agenda. There are many opinions on this subject, but with all things considered minimum wage should be raised. What is minimum wage? Minimum wage is the lowest wage legally permitted by law or by a special agreement. Around 47 million Americans live in poverty, and one of the main reasons is the decline in the minimum wage, the fact that it has stayed the same for so many years and not increased. The annual salary for a full time worker that makes minimum wage and works full time is around $15,080. With that being said, the average cost of just housing in
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We have to remember that not everyone has the opportunity to get a higher paying job right away, and is forced to work at lower paying jobs even if it’s just for a period of time. These people tend to get more government assistance such as food stamps and Medicaid, which comes right out of taxpayers and corporations profits. Not saying minimum wage should go up to an aggressive $15 an hour like many states are arguing, but many people have recognized the consequences of letting the wage dwindle down. Twenty states across the U.S. have already raised their minimum wage higher than the $7.25 federal rate

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