The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

Superior Essays
As one of the hot button topics in America today, Abortion is widely debated by the American public. Recent statistics show that for the first time in seven years, Americans are choosing pro-choice instead of pro-life. Acknowledging the arguments and understanding why people disagree with the idea of a woman being able to make a choice about her own reproductive health and potential future baby is important, but the reality is that Pro-life is constitutionally and morally the correct decision when considering abortion in the twenty-first century.
To start we’ll look at this from a constitutional standpoint. Starting with Article 1, section 9, paragraph 2, the Constitution states: “The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended,
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Roughly one million abortions are performed every year in the United States. If there was not access to legal and safe abortion services people would still have them but the results can be deadly to the women who choose to undergo this procedure. Every year, according to the World Health Organization, about 42 million women with unintended pregnancies choose abortion, and nearly half of these procedures, 20 million, are unsafe. Some 68,000 women die of unsafe abortion annually, making it one of the leading causes of maternal mortality at 13 percent. Of the women who survive unsafe abortion, 5 million will suffer long-term health complications. Worldwide, some 5 million women are hospitalized each year for treatment of abortion-related complications such as hemorrhage and sepsis, and abortion-related deaths leave 220,000 children motherless. The main causes of death from unsafe abortion are “hemorrhage, infection, sepsis, genital trauma, and necrotic bowel.” Data on nonfatal long-term health complications are poor, but those documented include poor wound healing, infertility, consequences of internal organ injury, and bowel resections. Unmeasurable consequences of unsafe abortion include loss of productivity and psychologic damage. Undergoing pregnancy is incredibly taxing on the human body; if abortion was illegal clearly people would still perform and undergo them. Is it morally ok to ban abortion knowing that this will increase the number of illegal abortions and health complications that come along with them? Personally, I feel that it is

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