This country is made of people with a great variety of beliefs. Many of them disagree on most things. However, most belief systems agree that human life has value and that it is sacred. To take something sacred and put it into the hands of mere humans is a risky proposition. People are fallible. They make mistakes; they are imperfect and some are downright malicious. Taking away the life of another violates the natural law which gave that life in the first place, and is unacceptable. From a Christian standpoint, the act of euthanasia violates the commandment that we shall not kill and takes away the life which is a gift from God. Other religions, such as Islam, believe in the sanctity of life and that it is the gift of Allah or another holy source and is therefore out of the hands of humans. Euthanasia at its core is a slap in the face to any belief system which claims to hold life as sacred because it puts it in the hands of humans. Compellingly, one of several verses from the Holy Bible states “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV). The Koran 4:29 states “Do not kill yourselves. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful. (Koran 4:29). Jewish readings from Semahot 1:1-4 expressly …show more content…
Physician-assisted suicide should not be an option for patients because it is not the place of humans to violate natural, spiritual, or even what is accepted as secular law in much of the world. There are some who will argue that it is the right of the patient to determine how they will die, with dignity and without pain and suffering. There are also those who believe that if a person chooses to die, that it is their decision. What is perhaps most unacceptable is the idea that anyone believes that they are above the pain and suffering of this mortal, human life. We all suffer, and we all endure pain. Some have more than others. At the end of the day, this is one of the facts that tie us all together into a great human story and we must each endure our portion in kind. For many, the promise of eternal life after death after all of the suffering of this earth is done is enough to keep them here until death comes. For those who would end their lives and ask others to help, the spark of human spirit must sustain them. In all of society we see evidence of humanity being tossed aside, of human life being devalued. The gift of death for the terminally ill must be given by the same force that gives it to us, whatever individual beliefs think that is, whether it is God, or Allah, or