“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody.”
This quote from a bestselling novel about modern times, is closely related to the ancient story of Gilgamesh. During the tale of the ancient Mesopotamian epic, Gilgamesh himself experiences conflict both physically and emotionally, illuminating lessons that to this day still are applicable and apparent. Gilgamesh is a king who is described by his people as a tyrant. Although given wisdom, beauty, and courage he is described as “incredibly arrogant,” and possessed “no respect” (Rosenberg, 175). Additionally, he “did whatever he wished even when it hurt others” (Rosenberg, 176). To combat his vanity and egotism, Anu father of the gods, asked the mother goddesses, to create and equally strong and courageous man to fight Gilgamesh. The birth of Enkidu was a tangible struggle that Gilgamesh encountered, in which they physically fought. …show more content…
Emotionally, Gilgamesh was beyond heartbroken. Bereaved by the loss of his friend he wept for seven days and seven nights. The grief of Enkidu's death lead Gilgamesh to become aghast with the thought of his own death. He says to himself, “When I die”, “ my fate will be just like Enkidu’s!” He is so distraught that he tried to discover the secret of immortality. He infers that he must find enlightenment from Utanapishtim. Concluding, “he is a human being just as I am. Yet he has found everlasting life...” (Rosenberg, 191). Despite the fact that Gilgamesh does not find the answer to everlasting life he comes to a realization. He recognizes that he must be content with death and what he’s created. This correlates to the present-day because we too do not live forever. As humans, if things don't go our way we need to appreciate life and we must be satisfied with what we