When people do not have higher authority to judge their actions, people start to act out of the ordinary. This is showed in the book, Lord of the Flies when the fair boy asked the group of boys where they had landed “it’s …show more content…
Much of your parents ideas are passed on to you. Same would be with society. How a group of your friends may act, also influences how you act. For example, in the book when the savage group of children decided to break away from the common group, a few left the common group and left to the other group with the savages. This shows that influence takes a large role in how we act. This can be connected to an example of peer pressure. Everything we do influences one person of another in any sort of way. Furthermore, this connects to Heaven’s Gate, a cult that was lead by Marshall Applewhite with beliefs of souls being “transported to a spaceship trailing the Hale-Bopp comet” (Zennie). Applewhite preached that “denying themselves worldly comforts, sex and physical affection, individuality, money and jobs, they could ascend to the 'Next Level” (Zennie). In this situation, higher authority planted ideas within them, which then guided thirty-nine members to take part in a mass suicide, something unthinkable in normal terms. This is not the only example of something similarly happening, in Jonestown. Jonestown which was named after Jim Jones, lead 918 people to commit mass suicide after being exposed to be the killer of US Congressman Leo Ryan. Jones wanted to demonstrate, “what he termed a “revolutionary act” and proceeded to “drop a potent mix of cyanide, sedatives and powdered fruit juice into children’s throats” And for the adults to, “drink the poison-laced concoction while armed guards surrounded the pavilion” (History). This can also be noted in Lord of the Flies when, the group of boys spotted the something emerging from the cave, “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!” (Golding). This lead the boys in a frenzied order while stabbing the “beast” not know it was Simon. This happened