There was a break-in at the Democratic National Convention in 1972 and Nixon’s administration attempted to cover it up. The negative impacts of this incident still resonate today, reminding us to perhaps not trust our elected officials and giving American government a poor reputation so that its citizens could never look at it the same way again. The final (and most major) insult was the Vietnam War. This war was incredibly unpopular at home, and we had lost by pulling our troops out in 1975. It was the first war the US had ever lost, and that really resonated at home. We had lost the war against Communism. Due to the extreme spending for military development during the war, inflation was a staggering 21%. This meant that people weren’t buying homes since the interest rate would be astronomical, hurting the economy even
There was a break-in at the Democratic National Convention in 1972 and Nixon’s administration attempted to cover it up. The negative impacts of this incident still resonate today, reminding us to perhaps not trust our elected officials and giving American government a poor reputation so that its citizens could never look at it the same way again. The final (and most major) insult was the Vietnam War. This war was incredibly unpopular at home, and we had lost by pulling our troops out in 1975. It was the first war the US had ever lost, and that really resonated at home. We had lost the war against Communism. Due to the extreme spending for military development during the war, inflation was a staggering 21%. This meant that people weren’t buying homes since the interest rate would be astronomical, hurting the economy even