Loisel is a hard working man in this story, he lived his life in debt for ten years over his wife's mistake. After losing the necklace and having to replace it M. Loisel worked everyday to pay off the debt, here is a quote explaining that, “Her husband labored evenings to balance a tradesmen’s accounts, and at night, often, he copied documents at five sous a page.”(206) As the quote shows, M. Loisel is very hardworking when it comes to his family, working day and night for his wife. Another quote stating M. Loisel hard working trait is, ‘I'll retrace our steps on foot,” he said, “to see if I can find it.”(205) M. Loisel is willing to spend his night looking for a necklace his wife lost. This is just another way of many that he is hardworking. So as you read the quotes, and everything else stated you can see that M. Loisel is a very hard working
Loisel is a hard working man in this story, he lived his life in debt for ten years over his wife's mistake. After losing the necklace and having to replace it M. Loisel worked everyday to pay off the debt, here is a quote explaining that, “Her husband labored evenings to balance a tradesmen’s accounts, and at night, often, he copied documents at five sous a page.”(206) As the quote shows, M. Loisel is very hardworking when it comes to his family, working day and night for his wife. Another quote stating M. Loisel hard working trait is, ‘I'll retrace our steps on foot,” he said, “to see if I can find it.”(205) M. Loisel is willing to spend his night looking for a necklace his wife lost. This is just another way of many that he is hardworking. So as you read the quotes, and everything else stated you can see that M. Loisel is a very hard working