Talking of how national park just came in and took some land for progress of further progressing their own cause for making a national park which would protect nature. “I see it as a rather impressive way to leave one's mark on the world," Webb said, "not so different from the great pharaohs' pyramids.""There are better ways," Serena said, lifting Pemberton's hand in hers to rub the varnished mahogany.”"Right, Pemberton." Mrs. Webb spoke for the first time.” "Yes, like helping make a national park possible”(Rash 241). their having a dispute over the national park. which is naturalist vs people who do not see value in
Talking of how national park just came in and took some land for progress of further progressing their own cause for making a national park which would protect nature. “I see it as a rather impressive way to leave one's mark on the world," Webb said, "not so different from the great pharaohs' pyramids.""There are better ways," Serena said, lifting Pemberton's hand in hers to rub the varnished mahogany.”"Right, Pemberton." Mrs. Webb spoke for the first time.” "Yes, like helping make a national park possible”(Rash 241). their having a dispute over the national park. which is naturalist vs people who do not see value in