Humans realize that nature cannot be diminished by us and have not an outlasting effect on ourselves as well. Nature and humanity need each other to keep the balance of nature’s forests from encroaching on the cities and keeping the cities from stretching across every rolling prairie there is. He gives an example, “Outside the heat of conflict, conservationists probably know that a sheep is one of the best devices for making coarse foliage humanly edible and that wool is ecologically better than the synthetic fibers, just as most shepherds will be aware that nature is of value to them and not lacking in interest and pleasure.” Humans could all agree on this statement, because no matter if you feel animals should not be killed, or nature and all its forests should be left alone, thanks to human technology of learning the importance of sheep wool in our lives, a lot of the things people take for granted today would have been much harder to do without the help of sheep wool and its many uses. Even though people may think they are doing harm to the environment, humans really have come a long way to change our ways of …show more content…
The progress of technology mentioned earlier is huge leaps forward in the trucking industry and producing less greenhouse gas emissions. What about giant buildings? What is their role in conserving the Earth? Many buildings have started installing solar panels atop their buildings to save money using electricity. There is also windmill farms out West where the land is very flat. These windmill farms can produce enough renewable energy to support a small town all on just wind energy. There is also hydroelectricity, this uses water to power buildings without having to use fossil fuels like consumers have been. The reason everyone doesn’t switch to renewable energy is that of the cost it includes for installing windmills or solar panels. People don’t realize that it may cost more now but what you save on your electric bill from a renewable source like the sun, there would be no electricity bill. Creating your own electricity would save you