In Wild, Cheryl Strayed expressed the great sadness of losing her mom, her siblings, her step father, and her husband as close parts of her life. When you are in nature however there is no way to lose the earth that will forever surround you. Cheryl Strayed read up on the trail that had become her home and knew it became official in 1968 and in 1993 it was finally completed. On the inside however she said, “The trail didn’t feel two years old to me. It didn’t even feel like it was about my age. It felt ancient. Knowing. Utterly and profoundly indifferent to me”(Strayed 61). Even after humans get their hands on it, nature is still irrevocably old. The wilderness’s relentless being teaches anyone who has the chance to fully experience it that it is more pure and natural than anything anyone could ever encounter. Nature will never lie to you or leave you and only after being completely engulfed in the hands of nature can you realize that modern civilization is filled with contagious impurities that once erased by nature’s touch reveal a cleaner better version of
In Wild, Cheryl Strayed expressed the great sadness of losing her mom, her siblings, her step father, and her husband as close parts of her life. When you are in nature however there is no way to lose the earth that will forever surround you. Cheryl Strayed read up on the trail that had become her home and knew it became official in 1968 and in 1993 it was finally completed. On the inside however she said, “The trail didn’t feel two years old to me. It didn’t even feel like it was about my age. It felt ancient. Knowing. Utterly and profoundly indifferent to me”(Strayed 61). Even after humans get their hands on it, nature is still irrevocably old. The wilderness’s relentless being teaches anyone who has the chance to fully experience it that it is more pure and natural than anything anyone could ever encounter. Nature will never lie to you or leave you and only after being completely engulfed in the hands of nature can you realize that modern civilization is filled with contagious impurities that once erased by nature’s touch reveal a cleaner better version of