The National Security Agency: The Insider Threats

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For the longest of time we have been under constant watch under the government. Ever since 9/11, The NSA, the National Security Agency, increased its domestic surveillance in the United States to protect from foreign invaders and inside threats.
But let’s be honest, have any of us really benefited from this increase of our invasion of privacy? I mean for all we know the government is just being nosey and is trying to find someone to blame all their problems on. Why spend all this money on increasing something when all it’s done is create more problems? Obama and his administration have placed The Insider Threats Program, (ITP), which watches every single person working in a government agency. They have put in this program so people within the nation won’t leak National Security information; it goes on even today with no effectiveness.
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The Obama Administration put into effective the ITP in 2011,”To surveil the federal employees and to monitor their moves at work to prevent National Security leaks.” The administration has ordered the “whistleblowers” to report suspicious behavior within the agencies; agencies from the Peace Corps to the Department of Education. Even scientific theories and Think Tank groups have determined the ITP to be ineffective. They’re goal is to prevent future disasters such as 9/11 from happening.
Unnecessary monitoring of suspicious behavior will lead to racial profiling.
Unnecessary monitoring of suspicious behavior will lead to privacy

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