1. Know the Scare-This chapter emphasizes the need of having …show more content…
The author explains various retirement packages that are available and advises young people on which to invest in first. It is important to save in the retirement funds irrespective of the income. According to the author, the youths need to follow the steps of their parent and event their grandparent of saving for retirement. The young generation is encouraged to start saving before they get children who will use all their funds.
7. Investing Made Easy-The chapter describes the principles and outlines primers of the mutual fund and stock market. The chapter also explains significant terms and short synopsis used in the field of investing. It also explains the importance of investing. The chapter breaks down the information of investing in stocks. If young people can invest the little amounts, they earn and give it time they can get a high return for their funds. The youth need to be risk takers and not be discouraged by the fall of a few companies in the market. The chapter states that youths should buy stocks that are priced …show more content…
Big-Ticket Purchase: Home - The chapter begins by giving real examples of financially unprepared individuals who have jumped to home ownership and they have suffered the consequences. The chapter advises on several measures to implement before considering buying a home. It also states all the expenses in the process of owning a house. The section is full of encouragement on the purchase of a home. The author says that a person should regulate their life until they can afford to pay take and pay a house loan.
10. Love and Money - Suze points out that most people get married in their twenties. The chapter offers practical approach on how to balance between love and money. The type of friends or partner you have will affect you positively or negatively throughout your stay in the friendship or marriage. According to the chapter how a person handles their finances form their character that will also be portrayed in other aspects of their