New alternative: It is possible that the aforementioned argument would not ended in conflict if the Toulmin model of argument was implemented. The following example is a possible argument using the Toulmin argument approach: • Ground: Research studies indicate that most of baseball players’ rotator cuff muscle (muscles involved in throwing) injuries are due to muscle imbalances. • Warrant: There is a high possibility of injury by doing inappropriate exercises or by neglecting important exercises.…
In the article, Catton briefly stated some comparison concerning Lee and Grant, as well. One of the similarities that he mention was they were both determined to end the war peacefully. This comparison can be proven when Catton stated, “To turn quickly from the war to peace once the fighting was over . . . in the end, help the two sections to become one nation again,” concerning Lee and Grant. These quotes support the author believes the main similarities between Lee and Grant was both two strong men physically and mentally to protect their people.…
The movie franchise that began with “The Terminator” in 1984 has had its ups and downs. Being the first film of the series, “The Terminator” did not make a lot of money in total given that it had little hype going into it and it co-starred a relative unknown with some German sounding name that it turns out was Austrian. However, considering it only had a budget of $6.4 million and it made $78 million worldwide according to the Wikipedia page about the franchise, the producers were no doubt happy with the result. “Terminator 2” was the highpoint of the franchise in terms of box office draw and overall awesomeness.…
In the following, I will argue that people act upon their own free will and not through determinism, and disprove the third and fourth components of Strawson’s initial Basic Argument. Determinism is defined as the theory that everything that happens is determined to happen exactly as it does by what has happened before. Essentially, this means that every choice that a person makes they have not actually made- their choice was determined for them long ago and they are acting how they believe they chose to act. This is similar to the Christian belief of predestination, which is defined as the foreordaining of all that will happen in the future. The principal difference between determinism and predestination is that the concept of predestination…
“We honor our past because it shapes our future,” this is one of the many quotes that Otterbein University holds dearly. Otterbein University holds this value greatly. Otterbein gives equality to all students, faculty, and others since 1847. Before any women’s rights and the abolishment of slavery, Otterbein University allowed people of color and women to receive a fair and equal education. Otterbein University is a mid-sized college located in Westerville, Ohio.…
Since she is writing a college handbook of sorts, it can be assumed that, in the past, she has studied the Toulmin Model and worked with similar works. Throughout the text, she mentions Stephen Toulmin, Roberta Borkat, Aristotle, and Ann Berthoff. Wood uses these authors to further her explanation of argument and the Toulmin Model. In addition to using literature, Wood uses a few narratives throughout the chapter. She discusses Aristotle’s past, Toulmin’s history, a story about a television program, the president, and more.…
On the other hand, the distributed self would suggest that how people experience the world and make sense of it is primarily a result of socio-cultural processes, which varies over time and space. Constructionists conceptualize depression as an identity continually renegotiated via linguistic exchange and social performance. They would argue that the biological attitude excludes the social and linguistic dimensions of experience from consideration; social constructionist perspective is essential to understand how subjectivity and meaning are constructed in language and social interaction. For example I will briefly discuss the argument of gender differences in depression and how social constructionists consider that through looking at the ‘material discursive’ practices it is the pressures of society, which causes depression. They argue that a certain pressure is thrust upon women to be doing activities that fits the ideology of being a ‘good woman’ this can exhaust the woman’s body therefore causing depression.…
Assignment 4 Naree L. Greenland Argument and Exposition 2152 A practical and powerful method of constructing and analyzing arguments is the Toulmin Argument, so named after its creator British philosopher Stephen Toulmin. This method asserts to breaking down an argument into several parts, The claim,evidence, Warrants backing and qualifiers all form the building blocks of Toulmin’s argument structure. The claim is the argument you wish to prove (130), the main part of the argument.…
Neither of these arguments make sense so joint support allows us to link the two premises which together make sense and support the…
I accept this debate and wish Tejretics good luck. I am sure this will be a fascinating debate. Clarification: First I would like to remind my opponent and those reading what this debate is not about. This debate is not about the social impact of religion.…
Within this essay, I will argue that Galen Strawson’s basic argument, presented in Your Move: The Maze of Free Will, is correct about the impossibility of ultimate moral responsibility. I will do this by first explaining the basic argument as proposed by Strawson, then raising an objection to it concerning the distinction between the self and the way you are by denying the second premise. And finally, I will be refuting the objection. Strawson’s basic argument can be boiled down to the simple notion that one cannot be ultimately morally responsible. He claims that anything you do in any circumstance is an effect of who you are, and the way you are.…
The cons of the article is the environment and how pipeline could be Detrimental. In my opinion can you be sure that you have highly educated and experienced welders working on the pipeline? I think with millions of dollars and possible deadlines could cause pressure to finish. That’s when mistakes will be made causing a potential leak. The positive thoughts discussed in the article are about job created by this pipeline.…
Cleanthes' argument from design for God's existence is not convincing. He compares two different ideas and thus, wrongly generalizes. He also commits a fallacy, and doesn’t meet the criteria necessary for the type of argument he offers. Although, a few potential strong points are present in his beliefs, like the improbability of chance, and the incomprehensible evidence of God, they are still not strong enough for His justification. Cleanthes through an a posteriori, inductive argument claims that since the presence of small machines (i.e. houses) implies human design, the presence of an even bigger machine (i.e. the universe) implies a human-like intelligence behind it as well as "the adapting of means to ends in natural and human machines…
With my visual argument project my main intent was to portray the idea of the current and upcoming generations dependency of their mobile/technological devices. The reason I chose this argument in particular because I have seen this problem being very prominent first had. I feel that everywhere I go I see young children constantly on their cellphone and technological devices. I see this in my own family too, when we were younger (older cousins and I) we were constantly outdoor plays sports or any other physical activities. Now a constant theme that I encounter when walking into family occasion is the younger kids are rather drawn to their iPads and mobile devices.…
Technology is changing our lives and whether we like it or not we find ourselves having to go along with it. Writers, readers, composers, researchers and so on need to find a way to adapt to the change that comes with what we call “The Technology Era”. As always there will be two sides to any change; the one that will agree with it and open their arms to it, and a second that will forever talk about how great times used to be when things were done the only way they know to do things because they do not like change or cannot adapt to new. Nicholas Carr (2008) states “I’m not thinking the way I used to think. I can feel it most strongly when I’m reading.…