Identify and apply high frequency words in different discourse is an important building block which can lead English language learners to understand the pragmatics of the second language. We seldom stop to think about it, but some of the most basic concepts in English vocabulary are naggingly difficult to define and teach. The teachers try to employ different strategies to teach high frequency words so that ELLs can function properly in their
community. This chapter focuses on the importance of vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary acquisition of ELL, and using different strategies to teach or learn vocabulary words through technology. 2.1 Importance of Vocabulary Development Vocabulary development is an important building block in all academics and in communication. According to Ediger (1999), a rich vocabulary can allow a person to express himself clearly and correctly, show proficiency when moving into the working world, be regarded more highly among peers, enjoy reading, improve problem solving, have an easier time expressing his or her personality, and produce high quality of conversation with …show more content…
New vocabulary acquisition relays largely on investigating and inquiry on the students, and in doing this, the student is finding a purpose in learning whatever subject matter presents (Ediger, 1999). Learning vocabulary with a purpose makes English language learner a social and academic wellbeing. This shows that attainment of vocabulary with a purpose is a vital skill, and starts its journey from home to school to throughout life. However, a lack of this vital skill can harbor problems in communication and reading comprehension; thus, creating hurdles in academic areas, and socialization