Clare's cousin. Because she is from the North (which is usually seen as a safe haven for escaped slaves) she is viewed as an abolitionist. However, she is prejudged against blacks, and regards them with disgust or contempt. Stowe uses Miss Ophelia to "satirize the subtle racism of the North," suggesting that "northerners were happy to tell the South what to do about slavery and to condemn southern practices, but those same northerners were often unwilling to interact personally with blacks," ( Many northerners, as demonstrated by Miss Ophelia, believe that whites should not interact with blacks, but Stowe shows this belief is wrong and hypocritical. Stowe did not write the book with the intent of starting a war, but her book did set in motion events that led up to one. Prejudge and racism did not go away after the war, however, and today racism continues to cause problems in American society, just as it did when the book was written.
The main reason Uncle Tom's Cabin is banned today is because of language. The "n" word is used by slaveowners and slaves alike. Today this taboo word is seen as a racial slur with a negative connotation, and it's use is frowned upon by society, prompting the banning. However, despite the hostility that this word represents, it is part of our history particularly as it relates to the southern states. The powerful emotions that the "n" word conjures appear in our current issues