Why Was The Civil War Inevitable

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The civil war was a time of many deaths. The civil war was inevitable in every way possible, there were just too many things for there not to be a war. There were so many events leading up to the war. Although, there are six that will be focused on. The events will be ranked from last to first. Starting with the Compromise of 1850, John Brown raid, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Dred Scott Decision, The Kansas-Nebraska Act, and finally the Election of 1860. This order is based on my opinion and the order may vary from person to person. The Compromise of 1850, since president Zach Taylor died, the man next in line, Millard Fillmore wanted the deal done. Clay was the head of the compromise, it stated California was a free state, no restrictions on …show more content…
John Brown led sixteen men down to Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He and his men took control of the federal complex, after some gun fighting two towns people were dead and eight of John Brown’s men were dead. Brown was then tried for treason and hanged on December 2. This act by John Brown was a shift that spread the north and south apart. Sothern’s felt like they were attacked by the north, making tensions flare even more between the two sides. Although the north tried to explain that the attack was not performed by the Union. U.S History.org says, “The majority of northern newspapers did, however, denounce the raid.” Even after the north tried to say this wasn’t their plan the south tried to say the attack was by Abraham Lincoln. This is number five on my list because this was a single man doing an action. John Brown had northern followers who thought he was a man with good intentions. This act alone created a since of edginess to the two sides dealing with blood shed. It really started the south thinking that the north was ready to fight. The raid was in 1859 making it a contributor to the willingness for the south to fight. It is only number five because it was a terrorist attack, I don’t think very many people read too deeply into one man’s …show more content…
The book portrays the evils of slavery. As U.S History.org says, “… The heart- wrenching tale portrays slave families forced to cope with separation by masters through sale. Uncle Tom mourns for the family he was forced to leave.” The book made quite the splash in both the north and the south. In the north it sold 300,000 copies and some say it is the driving force behind people not following the fugitive slave law. In the south the book was banned. The reason why the book is at number four on the list because it made it difficult for the south even in the civil war. The British wanted to support the Confederacy, but they couldn’t because the book made the biggest splash with their people. The book was a culture shift across the country. The north thought that slavery was an evil, and the south wanted to not believe that. As Abraham Lincoln said to Harriet Beecher Stowe, “So you’re the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war.” Abraham Lincoln had a point, literature moves people in many ways, writing is what made this nation start going against the British in the first

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