Abolitionists were people who opposed slavery because of moral reasons; they thought slavery was cruel and destructive. Anti-slavery people were people who opposed slavery because slaves were taking all the jobs that belonged to the white men. Both abolitionists and anti-slavery people fought in the Civil War. Abolitionists aided in the start of the war because of their persistence and dedication in ending slavery once and for all. Many books and news articles were published to persuade people to end slavery. Uncle Tom’s Cabin written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, an abolitionist, describes the reality of slavery and how it truly was. The southerners said the slaves were happy being slaves and that slaves enjoyed their work, when in reality they didn’t. This book sparked an uproar with the Northerners because they couldn’t believe that this was really slavery. David Walker a free black man published an article called An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World. He was quoted with “It is no more harm for you to kill a man who is trying to kill you, than it is for you to take a drink of water when thirsty.” Walker is trying to get the abolitionists and slaves to rise up and help defend the black people. The abolitionists were very moved by this article and started to help defend the slaves more. This angered the South because they didn’t want rebellions to start occurring. …show more content…
The Civil War continued on after the secession of the southern states, with many brutal and destructive battles. Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 which freed all slaves in the southern states. Lincoln hoped that freeing all the slaves would weaken the Confederacy because the South would no longer have the slaves doing the hard intensive labor. Eventually the Civil War ended in 1865 at the Appomattox Courthouse. From there the Reconstruction began, their goal was to allow the South back into the Union on certain terms. The North had succeeded in winning the war and African Americans were finally free. African Americans were allowed to vote, get jobs, and even attend school. Even after the brutality of the Civil War, and the thousands of lives lost, blacks were still segregated from white people. They still had their own school, own place to eat, and even their own drinking fountains. Racism was still a huge problem in the United States after the Civil War, with the South’s Black Codes being put in effect. These Black Codes tried to restrict certain rights of blacks. Eventually though the South and the United States as a whole began to warm up to the idea of African Americans having the same rights as the white men. African Americans today are now considered as equal as the white man. In 2009, America inaugurated the first black president,