In pondering the everyday treadmills, it is like a continuous cycle that only seems to elongate and stretch as we get older. When we were 10, this cycle would feature very little, the waking up early, the doing of homework and so on
Now, in my leaving cert year of school, this cycle often feels like a never-ending loop, with the artist’s pen refusing to run out of ink. This loop that …show more content…
The often inpatient anticipation for better things to come, basically sums up my life at present. The world today is inundated with countless images of the perfect house, the perfect body, the perfect life. This ultimately builds up tension between the everyday treadmills and gilded promises. Our expectations continue to spiral out of control, which often leads us to be disappointed with what we have or achieved in life. One often looks at celebrities’ way of life daily, which only helps to accumulate more and more gilded promises. Personally, I often set high expectations, it’s something I believe society has encouraged us to do, however when we fail to reach what we are longing to achieve, we frequently feel defeated, or even incompetent. What’s worse is that our everyday struggles continue to exist, which ultimately makes the defeat that much …show more content…
These moments make life worth living and give us the motivation and determination necessary to keep going and work harder. In striving to fulfil my own gilded promises, I am going to experience heartbreak, a flicker of success only to cease in failure and maybe even an unforeseen act of betrayal. These moments and experiences will forever remain in my mind throughout my life. These experiences are indispensable to my own inherent gilded promises. While the experiences have halted, the outcome and aftermath still holds a poignant memory of these moments, but they also drive us, as we hope one day we will experience something similar or perhaps