Susan Wolf's Theory On Meaningful Life

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Susan Wolf‘s theory on how one live their lives is one subject that will be talked about in the days to come. She explains that the meaning to finding one’s happiness is through giving back to others in need and finding your passion. Although her statements may be true, she fails to mention anything about personal satisfaction. What is it about our personal satisfaction that would help us find meaning into our lives? Can our own personal success in life be sufficient enough to live a meaningful life? As I write this essay, I hope to prove that subjective satisfaction alone is sufficient enough to find fulfillment in our lives. At an early age, we are taught to stay in school and get an education so we can be successful in class. To get an education from a top named school such as Harvard or Princeton, you are considered valuable in society thus in return making us profitable. Who doesn’t want that for their life? Many of us would want to rise up from our hard upbringings. If I were, for example, to drop out of school and smoked pot for the rest of my life, the only thing I would be fulfilling is either a surprise visit from the sheriff’s office or an early grave in the near future. Wolf point out that “this conception …show more content…
In Christianity, the purpose for believers to bring hope to the world through salvation in Jesus Christ. Everything that God has given us to spread the Gospel is through our spiritual gifts. Wolf explains that meaning comes from loving and engaging in something in a positive way (Wolf, 2007). Many would argue that finding religion doesn’t constitute as fulfillment. If we were to spend the rest of our life chasing endless pleasures, what exactly are we accomplishing here? Is life more than going through the motions and get whatever we can get along the way? By participation in religious organizations or social issues impacting the impact the world, we become a partaker in the upcoming changes in the

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