Argumentative Essay: Does Technology Affect Society?

Superior Essays
Technological innovations never cease to reach phenomenal, and astounding heights. As individuals, we venture to perpetually go the distance, and ameliorate every aspect in our lives, from our quantum of knowledge, to the very possessions that we utilize on a daily basis. Though the aftermath, and overall product of the advances of technology remain controversial, one thing is certain: The advancement of technology serves to benefit, and boost society 's essence as a whole, enabling us to evolve exceptionally while acting as guide to alleviate the hardships, and hectic agenda within a 24 day schedule. Due to the modifications in technology, which has permitted individuals to live a favorable and facilitated lifestyle, society has metamorphosed …show more content…
No longer are we bored, uniformed, or confused. Bearing that in mind, kids rarely go outside these days, making it easier for adults to worry less about their safety and more on substantial matters. Some critics claim that technology causes individuals to become antisocial and isolated. However, with the use of technology, people actually become more sociable, given all the social apps and games. One has human interaction on hand. Additionally, individuals have the option of choosing what music they prefer, the movies they want to download, the apps they desire to have on their device, and even the style they choose. Phones even have people inside them, such as Siri. That 's right, mobile device are no longer just a contraption we just use, because it 's also a person. With a person residing in one 's phone, it is not possible to be unamused and charmed. Mobile devices promote and convey human interaction and communication. It improves society significantly and substantially. To revert back to our old ways would be devastating and difficult to say at the very least. Competition amongst individuals and countries also classifies as one of the major causes for technological innovations. Take for example, the Cold War, for years, America and Russia battled it out who could excel in the space war and mathematics and science. Extensive research and endless hours of trial and error serve as evidence that practice does make perfect. Competition brings out the best in people and usually results in what we could not thought imaginable. Still, we strive to do our best as we “keep up with the Jonses”. A simple swipe, click, or touch and the answers to our problems disappears. No one would have guessed in a million years that science and technology would have evolved dramatically and

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