The Importance Of Safety And Safety

Decent Essays
Did you know that your odds of dying in a car crash are quite high, 1 in 8,000 in a year to be precise. That 's quite high. In fact that 's more likely to kill you than a snake bite at 1 in 3,500,000 yet we all know people are more scared of snakes. But it 's all about perception, I mean everybody drives a car so it must be safe right? Well, we humans aren 't very good at driving as an average of 2,538 people die on UK roads each year and in 2013 138,660 people were involved in an accident which caused them injury. However what if we could make the road safer? Well the answer, as always, is in computers. Currently they run everything from traffic lights to the stock exchange and they are pretty good at what they do, so why can 't they help …show more content…
Now that number is shockingly large and yet we are to blame as 90% of accidents are caused by human error whether it be texting while driving, falling asleep at the wheel or lack of concentration. Now computers don 't get tired, lose concentration or update their instagram status. They can see everything and have a variety of sensors and cameras meaning they have no blind spots, know what is in front of them and they use radar and GPS to tell them where they are and how fast they are going meaning they are already better than some drivers. Besides, not all this technology is new as cars can already tell if you are drifting lanes on the motorway or driving inefficiently and some cars now have “active braking” meaning they automatically brake if an obstacle is in the car 's way. So really self driving cars are the next step, and already Google 's self driving cars have clocked over 1.8 million miles and weathered various road conditions with a near spotless safety record with the only issues being from other human road users crashing into them. They have been proven to work and in America states are starting to pass laws which allows self driving cars to be used. And besides they don 't need to be perfect, they just need to be better than human drivers, which isn 't …show more content…
Well a surprising number of things are now automated and there haven 't been any problems. For instance the Docklands Light Railway in London is driven completely by a computer, Maasvlakte II a port in Rotterdam is mostly automated and there are warehouses in Japan that run 24 hours a day with no human interaction and have done so for years. There are now automated checkouts at supermarkets and there 's even a computer that can help diagnose illnesses. So if all these things have run with little to no human help why can 't cars do it? They are still computers and computers are getting smarter with advances in technology. Like I said cars don 't drive stupid and never lose concentration. They have already been proven to work and the UK government has put £19 million towards their research. No matter what they are coming and they are a better driver than

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