The plot Safety 24/7 was slightly idealistic, but the points …show more content…
At-risk behaviors are actions that put people at risk, whether it’s ourselves or others. This coupled with a bullet-proof mentality, which is one in which we don’t think that we will be hurt as a result of our actions, continues to put people at unnecessary risk. At-risk behaviors also form the base of the Safety Pyramid, followed by near hits, recordable injuries, lost-time injuries, and fatalities at the top of the pyramid. At-risk behaviors can quickly escalate, causing injuries or even fatalities. We need people to begin to acknowledge, think about, and minimize/eliminate at-risk behaviors.
Changing the way we classify actions and events is an easy way to begin changing the culture within an organization. One of the best points made here was that we should call them incidents instead of accidents, as accident implies that the result is out of the person’s control. In reality, 97 percent of incidents are within someone’s control. On the same note, Sam explained that we should classify near hits instead of near misses because it maintains focus and accountability on the potential consequence.
Another good point is that people will work at the level of safety expected. If you expect that employees will not meet expectations, they likely will not. If you expect them to meet or exceed expectations, they will do