Brinkerhoff International Inc, (BII), is a Canadian Oil and Natural Gas company, located in Northern, Calgary, Alberta, and Northeastern British Columbia on the Western Sedimentary Basin, an area with multi-trillion cubic feet (mcf) of proven gas reserves (Barnes, 1994). Brinkerhoff International Inc. owned and operated seven oil and gas drilling rigs, with six of them operational and the seventh was being reactivated (Rig #22). Rig #22 was brought back into operation because of increased demand for oil and gas due to a booming economy (Barnes, 1994).
Tom Brinkerhoff was the president of BII and was concerned about increasing production to keep up with the rising demand. As part of his current focus, bringing Rig #22 back …show more content…
it is important understand the drilling industry. The oil and gas drilling industry at the field level involves rough, dangerous and dirty work desolate parts of the Canadian wilderness, with harsh weather conditions during the long and cold winters. The risks and rewards for this work are large, creating a high pressure and stakes environment that can often bring out the best or the worst in individuals that were pushed to the limit working long hours in tough conditions (Barnes, 1994).
Each drilling rig typically has three crews that work seven days a week on twelve hour shifts, running the rig 24 hours a day. Crews worked two consecutive weeks for twelve hours a day, getting the third week off. Due to the hard physical nature of the job, and extended work hours, crews were comprised typically of male individuals. Each crew had five job positions, designated as the driller, the derrickman, the motorman, the floormen or roughnecks that reported to the rig manager (Barnes, 1994). Rigs were typically located in remote parts of Canada, far away from cities and towns. For the crew members at a rig, two out of every three weeks were spent isolated at the rig site where neither alcohol nor drugs were permitted. The rig manager was on call 24 hours a day, and lived with the customer’s engineer that served as the customer’s on-site representative (Barnes, …show more content…
Not only do they mention it in their mission statement but they utilize it in the real world. During the early 1990’s, the oil and gas industry experienced a business boom resulting in a rapid increase in customer demand after a strong slump from previous years. Drilling companies that survived the industry slump over the years tried to take advantage of this opportunity but were left with problems such as a shortage of workers and small drill rig inventories. With this in mind and concerned about safety, Brinkerhoff had a potential solution by putting more rigs into operation, but had hesitated to do so, because of the risks of low quality, low performance, unsafe practices, and high drilling costs with unskilled workers (Barnes, 1994). The addition of safety in a company mission statement adds a concerned factor and tells the reader that the organization cares about the wellbeing of its employees before the product or service it provides.
Not only does Brinkerhoff mention safety as the first priority of the company but it builds on how employees are involved with a quality assurance program allowing safety to continually grow within the company. The mission statement describes the program’s influence on employees and workplace environment by claiming how it will produce better work practices, reduce accidents, improve attitude, and increase cost