Chernobyl Wilderness Analysis

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On April 25, 1986, the world’s worst nuclear accident happened in Chernobyl. An explosion and fire in Nuclear Reactor Number Four sent radiation into the sky and caused ecological damage that would create abnormalities in nature for decades. This has given humanity the responsibility to restore that part of the environment. As a species that inhabits the world, it had become their responsibility of them to take care of the habitats of the planet. The environment is a beautiful thing that was given to the people of the world, and it is their responsibility to dominate it, use the resources in a reasonable way, and to conserve it. One of the duties of the human race is to rule the Earth in a proper way. The motivation for a religious person to take care of the Earth is that God told us in the book of Genesis,”...have domination over the fish... and over all the earth…” (1:28). It is only fair that everybody takes care of the Earth in a manner that would make God proud. He put everyone on this beautiful planet and expects them to take care of the environment that supplies the world with its fruits and animals. God isn’t the only thing to tell the masses that we are in charge; Carl Sandburg tells the world in the poem “Wilderness” that everyone is in …show more content…
It is important that humanity takes care of what they have so that they will have it for a long time, and possibly forever. By fulfilling our responsibility of taking over the world, using its resources in a reasonable way, and conserving it, people are restoring the environment to its true beauty. If humanity is responsible enough, there will not be any more accidents like Chernobyl ever again. Imagine a world that didn’t have a problem with pollution, and a world where the ecosystems never had any complications. This world can become a reality if everybody does their part and takes care the planet around

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