Simply, no. The Catholic Church celebrates Lent, but Lent is an important part of the Christian calendar, not only one denomination of Christianity. Lent has been and will continue to be celebrated by Christian churches of all denominations. We Celebrate Easter. Nothing is wrong with celebrating Easter (I encourage it), but in doing so, that does not eliminate the possibility for celebrating Lent as a time of preparation for Easter. Great significance is placed on the number forty as a time of preparation and God's movement in the lives of God's people. The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness as God prepared them to receive the promised land. Jesus was alone for 40 days as Satan tempted him while he prepared for his coming ministry. 40 days is significant in the Bible and is why Lent is 40 days of preparation for Resurrection Sunday. Can Baptists celebrate Lent? The answer is yes, for so many reasons (i.e. Priesthood of the Believer, Autonomy of the Local Church, Soul Competency, etc.), but the main reason is there is never anything wrong about setting aside time to focus on the work of Christ in salvation and how we are to be part of his ongoing work of salvation in the …show more content…
I love how Eugene Peterson paraphrased Rom. 3:25 in The Message. “God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear. God decided on this course of action in full view of the public–to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins, he had so patiently endured. This is not only clear, but it’s now–this is current history! God sets things right. He also makes it possible for us to live in his rightness.” consider the season of Lent. What sacrifice will we make this season to help us focus on the cross? How will we use these 40 days to draw closer to the one who created us and gave His all for us? In the past, how much different my life might be if I memorized one verse a day for the next 40 days. Would that cause me to consider my Savior more if I immersed myself in His word and hid it in my heart?
Will you consider the lent season? How will you prepare your heart for Easter? Is there something you must “give up” for 40 days? Or is there something you must “add” to your spiritual walk? I’d like to know what God is teaching you today about