The Importance Of Hubris In Macbeth

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In Scotland during the medieval ages, a story is created by William Shakespeare about a great warrior that turns to a tragic end. The great warrior is named Macbeth and he leads himself down a horrible and distraught road. Although, there are factors that influence him into the same road. These factors are Lady Macbeth and the witches, both of them make him think of thoughts that his hubris makes up his mind for him. Macbeth his this big hubris because he made a name for himself by being one of the greatest warriors in Europe. This hubris inflames when he encounters the witches and they tell him he will become Thane of Cawdor and then later be the king. When Macbeth hears about this he tries to forget about what they say and his best friend, …show more content…
Tom Vicenzi also writes about how his wife and his pride starts to influence him into committing the crime to become the king and starts to turn towards “by any means necessary attitude” (Vicenzi). A final note that the article displays is that after Macbeth becomes king he becomes weary of anybody with higher power or people who have royal bloodline. Macbeth starts to think that he will stop at nothing to become king and his ego and other things take over and pushes him towards wanting to become king. Lady Macbeth starts to provoke Macbeth by repeating her thoughts and plans to Macbeth and she eventually gets into his mind and he starts to think that he plans will prevail and easily become king. Over time nobody provokes him and his ambition takes over and becomes “blind” which “leads him to take a violent and bloody path to the throne”(Vicenzi). When Macbeth becomes king, he starts to think people will take over his rule, so “[his] easily impressionable nature causes him to not form his own thoughts” (Vicenzi), and he decides to try and kill whoever he thinks can take away his throne. With all the thoughts he planned his future of dethroning is inevitable which was the result of his bloody actions to get him into the position he is in. Overall, the article’s main idea helps with Macbeth and his tragic end because it discusses the how others influences his demise as a tragic hero. Although, there is another influencer in the story that may seem to have

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