Due to the unique methods and the improving technologies over the year’s cases such as John Wayne Gacy, the World Trade Center disaster, and the Hardin Cemetery Flood have given families closure to their loved ones whom remains were once marked as un-indefinable. In this following report, the reader will be introduced to the inside clues and techniques of the three cases mentioned above and have an idea of why these two sciences are valued as the major break within a case, and why new technologies are needed to perform the task of …show more content…
Dr. Clyde Snow and Charles P. Warren. These two forensic anthropologist used various methods of trying to obtain information of who the victims might have been, one was using missing person reports, others were documents providing information about fractures that may have been located on the human remains, and also using the length of the bones. Dental records played a valuable role in this investigation also. In doing so the anthropologist used forensic carbon 14 to determine the year of birth of the victims, by using the previous dental records and the enamel of the teeth found.
Forensic Carbon-14 Dating is a carbon dating system that is used to identify the age of unknown remains for anthropological and archaeological purposes. To help determine the year of death, Forensic Anthropologist use radiocarbon and inject them in to the soft tissues found inside the bone. Mainly soft tissues that are used for this advanced technology are found in hair, fingernails, and blood. The radiocarbon levels found in these three biological components give the most accurate time of post mortem due to these match identically to the contemporary