It is like pay structure in that they are basically ranking jobs based on employee output and determining the worth of the jobs. They can either evaluate these jobs by using the ranking method, categorization method, or point/factor systems. They can benchmark these jobs and use different analysis to find what the pay and job structure should look like for their company and if they are paying everyone the right salary for their position. When evaluating their company they need to look at what they want to motivate their employees to be doing. People do what they are incentivized to do, so this is a big step in evaluating their compensation. There are many things that a company can do. They can pay for performance which is motivating these employees on a performance level looking to increase output and increase profits that they are making the company. When paying for performance you can either pay based on past performance which is a merit based pay, or you can do an incentive pay which is future focused and once they reach a goal for themselves in their level of output then they are rewarded. This is much like that of a salespersons salary where they get bonuses for reaching a certain number of sales, so this increases employee moral because they know that the more work they put in the more they are going to get out of it. With any incentive and benefit package you really have to be careful in making sure that everyone in the company that can get rewarded is getting the even opportunity to get incentives. …show more content…
This again will rely on the job structure and who in the company can earn incentives for their output. You have to be careful of agency issues and discrimination laws; because either can be a factor if someone feels they are not getting an equal opportunity of compensation. The company needs to determine what they want employees to get out of their compensation practice. Are they trying to get more employees buy in for the company, increase productivity, or increase employee moral? All of these factors have a hand in figuring out compensation packages. Profit sharing and ownership is a practice where the company is trying o get employees more invested into the company they are working for by making them feel as if they are a larger part of the company and that they