The car represents way more than just an iconic American car. They love the car but it represents more. It represents Lyman and Henrys relationship towards each other. Before the war the car represented a great young relationship and brotherhood. The car gave them a since of freedom, or new life. "We owned it together until his boots filled with water on a windy night and he bought out my share."(Erdich, 1) This quote foreshadows what is going to happen to the convertible, the brothers relationship, and Henry. After Henry leaves for the Vietnam War the convertible is put a way, like how Henry and Lyman’s relationship is ended for the time. Lyman does not feel that it is right to drive it while Henry is gone. The car symbolizes more than just the beauty it is to Lyman. He sees his brother in the car, but when Henry gets back he’s not the …show more content…
Lights turned down, they lay together, hull to hull” (Lowell, 26-29) He would sit in his car and watch other people in cars having sex. He uses his car in a bad way. In a way for him his ford is a place to escape the real world or take a step away from everything going on. Although what he is doing is very odd and possibly illegal today his motif in going in the ford is very common. Many people need to escape from there daily struggles and one simple way to do that is driving. For some this takes there mind off everything. For him it’s a place to get away or hide. “A car radio bleats, “Love, O careless Love. . . ." I hear my ill-spirit sob in each blood cell.”(31-33) He is clearly mad at himself for what he is doing an now it is very obvious he is not right. Without his car he could do none of this. When Linda Howland was asked “What could you not do without a car?” She replied “ I couldn’t work, or do the things I enjoy, everything that I like would be very hard to accomplish without a car. It would take to long to get everywhere I would need to be.” Doing the things she enjoys without her car would be impossible like Lowell’s. Even though he is not right, he still likes to creep around and without his for he could not do that. The poem itself is about Lowell himself and a tough time in his life he is going through. Without his Ford he would not be able to do half the things he was doing,