It was said that President Andrew Jackson was looking in the best interest of U.S. citizens and moved the indians to help keep from conflicts that could possibly lead to war from arising yet again between the United States and the Native Americans or that some Native tribes were just too violent and were seen as a threat by U.S. citizens. It seemed like Americans and Native Americans could not blend and live together peacefully and that is also a said reason why the Trail of Tears…
The Trail of Tears and the Wounded Knee Massacre By George Sloan In the 1830s there were about 120,000 native Americans living in Georgia Tennessee Alabama North Carolina and the Florida Islands. The tribes living in those areas were the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Chacto Seminole and Creek. To the southwestern US, they were known as the Civilized Natives. But in 1936, the Government would drive 15000 Creek to…
In 1838, General Winfield Scott arrived with and army and began to dive the Indians towards Oklahoma, this was known as the trail of tears. Many other tribe were forced out and if they would not go then they were…
Q1: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was settled in 1848 between the U.S and Mexico, where Mexican citizens and their property living in California, New Mexico and Texas were to be incorporated into the U.S. During the signing of the treaty, General Santa Anna proposed that there would be a buffer zone separating both counties. Initially, General Santa Anna hoped that this new buffer zone would help in defending attacks in the frontier. Mexican citizens were given the option to stay in the United States and gain citizenship or to go back to Mexico and remain a Mexican citizen.…
The Trail of Tears begins a short time before the Revolutionary War, roughly 1771, with the birth of a Cherokee names Ridge. Ridge, who was one-quarter Scot, and his family settled in northwest Georgia with several other mixed-blood Cherokees. This territory is where the Cherokee Nation would eventually be centered around. When Ridge reached manhood, around the age of sixteen, he became a warrior. Doublehead, a corrupt Indian chief, taught and instructed Ridge to be a warrior and then took him on raids against white settlers.…
Many native Americans were moved west near the Mississippi. Jackson and his supporters decided to move the Native Americans west, so they could obtain the good cotton farmland. Keeping this idea in mind, our U.S army forced 15,000 Cherokees to march hundreds of miles even farther west. The sorrowful event took several months, causing thousands of Cherokees passing away, mainly elder people and children. The harsh march has now been named the "Trail of tears," for obvious…
In the book “Trail of Tears: The Rise and fall of the Cherokee Nation” a book where more than 18,000 Indians were forced to move to Oklahoma in a march known as The Trail of Tears, John Ehle explains with details all the events that led to this happening. In the book we learn a lot from the Cherokee nation which was one of the most important tribes at that time. There are also many characters discussed in this book, like the life of major Ridge who was one of the most well known and important leaders of the Cherokee tribe and played a major role during the negotiations of the white men and Cherokees trying to fix their issues and come together on laws, culture and land. It also talks about John Russ who was also a well known Cherokee leader like major Ridge, he fought against the federal government to allow the Cherokee nation to stay in Georgia instead of moving to Oklahoma and leave everything they had built as a tribe.…
The answer to research question will unveil why the Cherokees termed the journey as the trail of tears. The Cherokee lived in east Mississippi however in early 19th century, white settlers perceived Cherokees and other Indian Nations as obstacles to development. The settlers influenced the federal government to acquire the Indian Territory for purposes of planting cotton. In 1814 the federal government headed by President Jackson yielded to pressure and commanded the US military forces to remove Indians; they started by defeating the Creek nation, and then shifted to the Seminoles because they had harbored fugitive slaves who lived among them.…
The Trail Of Tears The Trail of Tears was a terrible time when the natives were removed from their homes by force in the Eastern USA. They cried when mourning the losses of their loved ones, like us. But you couldn't even imagine how bad the conditions were a that time. They also got bad diseases, endangering their lives.…
How Manifest Destiny Change the Americas In the nineteenth century, the average American believed in the popular slogan Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the belief that God had predestined the people of America to expand across the continent of North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. In the eighteenth century, the belief in Manifest Destiny no only made a way for physical expansion but also political, social, and economic aspects of the early United States as well. The physical changes in the 1800s consisted of the geographical growth in which they tripled in size.…
The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears During the spring semester of 2016, I was given the opportunity to read a very insightful book called, The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears, by Theda Purdue and Micheal D. Green. The book covers the events leading up to, during, and directly after the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was the mass migration of Native Americans from their motherland in the eastern shores of the United States, to the territories of the southwestern United States. Throughout the early 19th Century, there were many conflicts between the government and Native Americans; although none were more racially and economically motivated than that of the state of Georgia and it’s citizens. “We believe the present plan…
(Kimberly, 93, 2012) Jackson felt that Oklahoma would be the best area for the tribes to migrate to, considering the fact that Oklahoma was known for the bad soil, and the chance of a tornado coming by to take everything in it’s way. Therefore, once Jackson’s policy was made final, the Indians knew they couldn’t fight back. The policy that Jackson comprised was later known as the Indian Removal Act of 1830, and it was responsible for constructing one of the worst times in Cherokee history known as the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears was later given that name by the…
John Ross became principal chief of the Cherokee Nation in 1827, following the establishment of a government modeled on that of the United States. He presided over the nation during the apex of its development in the Southeast, the tragic Trail of Tears, and the subsequent rebuilding of the nation in Indian Territory, in present-day Oklahoma. Ross was born on October 3, 1790, in Turkey Town, on the Coosa River near present-day Center, Alabama. His family moved to the base of Lookout Mountain, an area that became Rossville, Georgia. At his father's store Ross learned the customs of traditional Cherokees, although at home his mixed-blood family practiced European traditions and spoke English.…
The Trail of Tears was a dark turn in Native American history, which also affected Mississippi during Andrew Jackson’s presidency. Jackson’s Indian Removal Act forced out the Native Americans out of their land by the federal government and walk thousands of miles to designated territories across the Mississippi river. This was caused by white America’s urge to expand and grow cotton in the southern states. Since majority of the states was owned by the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, and Creek tribes Almost 125,000 Indians preoccupied the states of Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Florida during the 1830s since the time of their ancestors. This issue boiled over when white settlers were infuriated by the population of Native…
Trail of Tears The trail of tears is one of the saddest and darkest chapters in American history. The trail of tears was part of the Indian removal act. Thousands of Indians against their will were forced to leave their homes and travel westward. Very few escaped this removal.…