Privacy And Data Breach Essay

Improved Essays
Today’s internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. It changed the world in so many positive ways, but it has also a negative side to it. The negative issues that we are facing today with internet are our online privacy and data breaches. Recently, many people were divided in terms of their strong views about the importance of privacy and the exchange “between security needs and personal privacy” (Rainie & Maniam, 2016) as millions of Americans were also affected by online threats and privacy breaches and at the same time concerned with our security. The focus has been on government monitoring, although there are some other significant issues and concerns about how industries use our data. Technology in the twenty first century …show more content…
This means that individuals could have been affected by more than one breach exposing sensitive information. My data analysis showed organizations have indicated a low and high numbers of total data breached from year-to-year such as Businesses-Other (BSO) organization. From 2012 – 2016, finding shows that BSO organization has the largest rate and most damaging data breached among all organizations and does not include other breaches that did not report the total records of breaches. The result of this data shows in my line chart that BSO organization chart pattern indicated a low to a sudden large increased data breached from 2012 and as the year …show more content…
From 2012 -2016, Businesses – Other (BSO) industry has a total of 85% data records affected compared to any other organizations. Businesses - Retail/Merchant (BSR) were at 5%, Government (GOV) at 2%, Medical (MED) at 1%, Businesses - Financial/Insurance Services (BSF) at 7% and Education (EDU) and Non-profit (NGO) organization reveals at 0%. Even though, Education and Non-profit organization resulted at 0% that doesn’t mean that these two organizations had been spared from data breaches. Their overall data records breached were 4,207,097 and 312,462 respectively. The result was very much lower that the average were only in the range of 62,492 to 841,419 compared to other organization’s million average of data records being breached in the last five years.
I conclude that the overall results of the total data records breached means that if more than one organization has all our sensitive information such as our full names, social security numbers, date of birth, credit card numbers, and etc. then we are more likely have a higher risk of getting exposed more than once if the organization’s database is maliciously attacked. To continually increase awareness in data breach protection best practices will help Businesses and other organizations to lower the risk and minimize the impact of data breach in the future as technology continues

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