Film Analysis: The House We Live In

Improved Essays
The House We Live In has many talking points that involve race. It demonstrates how the institutions and policies in the United States created disadvantages at the detriment of other races. This film showcases how Caucasians used establishments and created policies to benefit and create power for themselves while causing other races drawbacks. The film covers immigration, the lower working class under industrialization, laws and court, and housing. All of these areas and how race played a role in society as we know it today. Immigration is part of the foundation that helped create the United States. At the start of the 20th century immigrants came from all over the world to escape unfavorable conditions. While many came to pursue monetary opportunities, other were looking for freedom, while many were hoping to build a future for their families. Many of the immigrants were from eastern and southern Europe. Immigrants worked the harshest, lowest paying, and most hazardous jobs. The new immigrants joined the workforce with alleged other substandard races that were already in the United …show more content…
The lack of opportunities from institutions and policies continued to create inequality among races. The House We Live In portrays how the past is still effecting the wealth and well-being of the races today. We need to address the racial issues head on instead of saying they are in the past. The social view of race is stigmatized by the environment in which people grow up. Biologically traits can be passed from generation to generation. Physically traits may show up while others are still there but not presented physically. People have underlying prejudices that have been formed through unconscious, norms that were instilled in them from their family, and other environmental experiences. Socially the view of race as a whole was imparted on everyone from the day we were born and how we were brought

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