The Haunted Tell Tale Heart Analysis

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The Haunted Tell-Tale Heart Paragraph one A New Home
Once there lived a feeble elderly blind man whose life was cut short by a crazy calculated killer who somehow, someway escaped and evaded the police from arrest
Later in the distant future a family had bought a house from a peculiar fellow, this is their story
It's seven o'clock am The house was clearly decaying, the interior of the house had worn-down white walls, portraits, furnishings of old origin and the house had small dust particles filling the air and occasionally you could choke on the dust particles. it also had a distinct repulsive Odor that smells familiar almost like rotten beef, and finally the house was incredibly silent
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The family continued banging at the door till Edward grabbed a crowbar he had found within the packages and quickly broke open the cellar then the mist ceased and the family was now free ‘’What was that!’’ said Elizabeth ‘’I dont know what it was could it have been paranormal?’’ said Edward ‘’ It is not paranormal stop your worrying it probably was the pipes here how about we just go to bed instead of pursuing something that isn’t real,’’ said George ‘’ I'm your father George i’ve been on this planet far longer than you have i think i know what is paranormal when i see one and it’s a possibility that the paranormal activity could not be a hoax,’’ said Edward ‘’Stop worrying nothing horrible will occur i promise you,’’ said George ‘’ You're disregard for caution is going to cost you sooner or later boy,’’ said

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