When whites first came to America, they tried to control the Indians. Whites soon realized that they could not control the Natives. This led to the Whites giving the Indians rights, but the Army ignored the rights the Natives …show more content…
The tensions escalated quickly when Grattan demanded the thief be turned over to him. Conquering Bear would not give the thief up, he was not part of their tribe only visiting from a neighboring tribe so Chief had no control over the thief. Conquering Bear tried his best to bargain with Grattan. “Then one soldier fired allowing for Grattan to give the all fire order. Round after round was fired” (Paul 4). Conquering Bear was mortally wounded, when he fell the Indians began to fight back. The soldiers were fighting a losing battle, all but one soldier were killed by the Natives. Only one soldier was able to get back to Fort Laramie before he died. After the fight, Conquering Bear laid wounded, he spoke to his people, saying, “I hope you have killed them all because I love the Whites and want to go with them (Paul …show more content…
The rest of the war was mainly “great victories” for the Whites. The official death toll of the Natives is unknown, what is known is their populations were significantly decreased during the twenty-two years of war. In the end the Whites won out, when the smaller population of Natives left succumbed to the the demands of the Whites. This left the Indians living on small reserves with very little food available, causing them to rely on the Whites to help keep them alive. The population of Natives continued decreasing through the years from hunger, diseases, and continued war between tribes and some white