In, “The Girls in My Town” essay, she describes the schools around her town, as schools that are crowded with pregnant girls. And to take action, the schools have created programs to assist those girls who are pregnant, in which they are taught and, “told that they will not be alone and that caring for a child requires both strength and humility.”(151) However, as Morales continues to write she makes an interesting point about babies, as she implies, “They poke you in the eyes when you’re sleeping and you’re dead tired and they always have running noses and the snots runs into their mouths and they lick it with the edges of their tongues or smear it onto damp encrusted sleeves.”(166) This leaves you to think that, perhaps Angela is telling us here that “strength” and “humility” is nowhere near the reality of raising a child, or maybe she is further expanding what those words mean, and breaking them apart by giving details on where and when humility and strength come in when it comes to raising a child. It may be also that we as a society have been soft on teen pregnancy, by hiding the truth from them and creating programs that are meant to help, by teaching them that it’s going to be okay, and that all it takes it humility and strength, when in reality, it …show more content…
However, we can learn to accept our reality and move on, or live in a box where we expect everything to be just fine and beautiful. In a box where if you get pregnant at a young age, you are told that everything is going to be just fine, or come outside, to reality, where you are told the truth, that is not going to be easy. One can ask many questions, as to what defines reality and fiction and if there is an easier way to face the truth? Although it just might be better suited for us to live in a world where everything is beautiful and free from violence or maybe not. The Girls in My Town is an essay collection, that if we read we can grasp many ideas, ranging from tradition to acceptance, and up to reality and as we read, we make our predictions as to what the writer is trying to