James is a comedian, a rather well know one infact. His portfolio includes performances at all the major comedy clubs and a featured spot on SNL, as well as once doing a half-time show as in the super bowl half-time, and he deserves it this is a seriously funny guy. James is known for his almost fanatic stage personality, he becomes hyper and uses seemingly random outbursts to create a frantic and hilarious presence that often infects the crowd making it nearly impossible not to enjoy one’s self. Even when he is not exploding across the stage James kines is a character, he is known for his eccentric presence on the street as well as his explosive one on the stage. Once he was seen walking into a store and saw a customer buying a drink, so he looked over and said “oh you want one of these” then as he scooped up every single one of them and ran off shouted “too bad!” and left them all at the register before fleeing the scene( he then came back and put them all up as well as paying for the fortunate customer’s soda as well ). …show more content…
He is electrified, pure energy explosive is an understatement this man is insane. I was at a comedy club, backstage with some friends it was a kind of small party and Kines was there, and wow was it a party! it started normal enough but Kines was bored so he sparked up the conversation first he started to randomly change volumes sometimes whispering other time shouting, he asked me personally how I felt about unicorn butts, at one point he pulled out silly string ect. to keep the story short it ended with a live horse in the club and Kines taped to the ceiling. Kines is a character and no one can dispute that, he maybe the most energetic and weirdest guy on the red carpet if not the