His experiments lasted from May 1943 until January 1945. After his evil schemes, only 3,000 twins survived, and some died later on after that. Although he had a big interest in twins, Mengele also experimented on dwarfs, giants or …show more content…
First, he would take one of the dwarfs and take him/her to the lab where he performed all of his experiments. After he brought one of them to the lab he/she was obligated to lay on the uncomfortable bed. Once they were laid down he would start to draw the blood slowly. The first ones were painful but the pain could be held, but he would do this one after another. So eventually, since they were losing so much blood they would pass out. The cruel part of this was that instead of Mengele stopping at once he would stop and wait until they revived and then would proceed with drawing more blood. This caused severe pain, nausea and vomiting were the most common result. So in conclusion, Mengele performed some horrible experiments on the …show more content…
On February 7, 1979 Josef Mengele died in Brazil. He was swimming and while he was in the water he had a stroke and drowned. No one knows what drew this man to conducting gruesome experiments. Nobody would ever want to feel what these victims felt during these experiments. He had no reason, no one ever harmed him. He must have thought it was fun, or else he would have stopped long