The Effect Of Globalization On Maquiladora Workers In Canada

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As globalization remains to be a dominant factor in the global economy, labour markets around the world continue to be affected by forces of change. A few months ago, Bill Morneau, the Canadian Finance Minister made a speech stating that short-term work is the new normal for the younger generations and that we ought to get used to this “job-churn” as precarious work is here to stay. Precarious employment has become a widespread term that highlights the job insecurity not only in Canada, but other parts of the world as well. Precarious employment often includes low wages, limited benefits and short term or temporary work. This type of employment is a result of capitalism where employers gained the power and global access to subcontract and …show more content…
The difference between workers organizing from different parts of the world is the challenges that they face. Consider the case of the Maquiladora program, which was implemented in 1965 that further developed the free trade agreement for foreign investors to enter Mexico for manufacturing purposes. While on one hand the Maquiladora program was successful from a business perspective, there were several implications that silenced over the city that impacted mainly the workers and local community. Through globalization, NAFTA and increased foreign attractiveness has affected the Maquiladora workers as they face unfair working conditions such as improper training, exposure to hazardous machinery and inadequate …show more content…
This includes the role of unions and worker centres that should be designed to protect employee rights, however, challenges are raised that differ depending on industry, region or workplace. As this paper examined globalization and precarious workers, one may further understand how the dominance of precarious work on a global scale is an inevitable consequence of economic conditions that have developed over the last few decades. Beyond the scope of this paper, as globalization is possibility at its highest, there must be some response whether from the government or corporate action to respond to the rise of precarious employment while weighting in on the need to protect workers against the battle of companies solely considering the business case in order to benefit all and protect the

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