They were described as obstinate, merry, free, and painted with fine red lines. European, Homo sapiens europaeus, were labeled as white, optimistic, and muscular, gentle, active, very smart, inventive, and covered with close vestments. Asians, Homo sapiens asiaticus, were identified as pale yellow, melancholy, stiff, severe, haughty greedy and covered with loose garments. The African peoples, Homo Sapiens afer, were described as black, slow, foolish, relaxed, crafty, indolent, negligent, and were people who anointed themselves with grease. (p. …show more content…
With attention to the prominent phenotype that immediately divides individuals from each other-skin color is due to melanin. Cameron and Wycoff explained why there is darker skin color, "Melanin migrates to the skin's surface when stimulated by the sunlight to produce darker skin, protect the body from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolent rays, and to decrease the production of toxic levels of Vitamin D" (p. 282). It is important to realized that skin color is a misconception by the majority of individuals who believe that people who are darker are associated with the status of inferior rather than to be appreciative of the biological trait that has aided the survival of people for hundreds of years. Indeed, all individuals have found a way to instinctively adapt and survive in different regions of the world calling this natural selection. In addition, Forensic Anthropologist have found a way to avoid classifying cadavers into racial categories since there is no empirical evidence to support that race exists. By doing this they are setting an enormous example of being conscious and respectful of those individuals who have been racially labeled their whole