When they have a lot of money, they think they can do everything thy want. Although something was impossible in the past, they can easily do it because they have a lot of money now. For example, my younger brother tole me that he will be happier if he became a millionate; he can buy a big house, a Lamborghini car or travel around the world. Moreover, some people think if they are rich, they can give their family a good life, don 't need to work, marry a beautiful wife, etc; consequently, they believe affluence or money can make them feel happiness. However, in reality, the affluence can not make people happy as they thought. Money just does solve the problem but does not create happiness. Arccoding to " Who Say Money Cannot Buy Happiness," author Dwight R. Lee say money cannot bring the happiness for people. In the article, economist believe that money cannot buy happiness; they have a statistic that the income of American increase double since 1950, but the percentage of happy people is not increase, and they also say that the happiness, create by money, is momentary. Moreover, affluence cannot create happiness, so it just change people
When they have a lot of money, they think they can do everything thy want. Although something was impossible in the past, they can easily do it because they have a lot of money now. For example, my younger brother tole me that he will be happier if he became a millionate; he can buy a big house, a Lamborghini car or travel around the world. Moreover, some people think if they are rich, they can give their family a good life, don 't need to work, marry a beautiful wife, etc; consequently, they believe affluence or money can make them feel happiness. However, in reality, the affluence can not make people happy as they thought. Money just does solve the problem but does not create happiness. Arccoding to " Who Say Money Cannot Buy Happiness," author Dwight R. Lee say money cannot bring the happiness for people. In the article, economist believe that money cannot buy happiness; they have a statistic that the income of American increase double since 1950, but the percentage of happy people is not increase, and they also say that the happiness, create by money, is momentary. Moreover, affluence cannot create happiness, so it just change people