In the story "Internet Addictions," Greg Beato talks about how internet addictions are becoming very …show more content…
I am constantly on Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, checking emails or simply finding something on the internet to look at. I would pull my phone out and honestly not even realized I pulled my phone out and looked at the time. I send a lot of text messages and talk to a majority of my friends on the internet. My phone is always going off with notifications and it is so hard to not check my phone every time it goes off. Before reading this passage I wouldn't have considered myself to have an addiction. Throughout the reading, it stated that the technology will continue to flourish, more electronics will come out, resulting in making internet addictions being a trend. This passage has made me realize there is more to life than a cell phone and social media or let alone any other addiction. I need to limit the amount of time I spend on my phone, when I could be achieving bigger accomplishments. Consequently, without getting the proper help, addictions could result in a very harmful life, but there is a …show more content…
The internet addictions will increase in numbers and more social medias will be created, not to mention illegal drugs will still surface. By all these addictions arising, everyone needs to watch out for one another and get that person help. Many people will be in denial if you ask if they are addicted to the internet. Remember that being addicted to the internet is just as same as being addicted to drugs and needles. With the help of the reSTART program, it will allow Americans to get a healthy start on a normal life, relinquish the addiction. Nevertheless, from being dependent on a non-living item, assuming it doesn't have that great effect on you, think again, an addiction is