Stereotypes In Ted Talk

Superior Essays
In the interview, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk “The Danger of a Single Story”, Adichie speaks about the time she where she was harshly thought of in college. She Talks about her roommate and all the experiences she went through. Adichie was faced with many stereotypes when she arrived into college. Her roommate based Adichie off of a stereotypical African woman. She proved herself being better than the stereotype many people thought of her as. She continues to tell her story to inform people on what the world is like, and how people look at you just based on where you came from. Adichie is now a very successful Nigerian novelist, proving the fact that you shouldn’t judge someone based on stereotypes. The single story is bad because of the formation and continuation of many stereotypes. Stereotypes are an idea of a person shown over and over again until the idea of that person is what we know of them. Some stereotypes are formed because the group of people that it’s aimed at, act in a certain way often. These people typically eat, do, or say something that many people tend to notice and start labeling everyone like it. Not everyone acts like a certain stereotype, but many people get labeled as it. Many stereotypes are transformed because the typical group of people a stereotype is based around is changing in some way. Many people start changing their …show more content…
I believe that this is true. Being in college people automatically start judging you, even though they haven’t met you. They look at you based on a stereotype that was given to you, even though you do not fall under that stereotype. It’s really hard trying to make friends in college because you won’t see the same people too often unless they 're in your class, and even then it’s still really hard to find friends. Many people will look at you and assume your mean because of the way your face

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