As the ethnic and racially diverse populations of the United States continue to expand, so does the need for cultural competence. Health care providers are continually challenged to deliver care that meets the physiologic and cultural needs of the patient. In view of this fact, initiatives to increase and improve the awareness and effectiveness of cultural competency is at the forefront of health care initiatives (Purnell, 2013). Application of universally accepted approaches to culturally competent care must be adopted by all health care providers no matter what their role (Douglas, et al.,2014) The purpose of this paper is to explore how the theory, framework and domains described in the Purnell Model of Cultural …show more content…
The PMCC provides a basic structure for healthcare providers to move effectively across the continuum from unconscious incompetence to conscious competence. The PMCC is effectively utilized across all health care disciplines as a result of the incorporation of general metaparadigm concepts of health care. This holographic approach consequently allows a complex theory to simply the framework into functional application (Cultural Competence Project, 2014). The PMCC is depicted by concentric circles (APPENDIX A), illustrating movement from general constructs, individual domains and finally centering to the unknown or the need to adapt to the ever changing needs of society (Cultural Competence Project, 2014).
Purnell’s 12 Domains of Culture
The 12 domains of the PMCC are independent while at the same time interconnected. According to Purnell (2013), the utility of the model results from the synthesis of information obtained from each domain to implement interventions to meets the needs of a culturally diverse population. The domains allow for assessment of enthocultural attributes at levels including the following;
Overview, inhabited localities and topography In order to comprehend the cultural needs of an individual it is important to gain knowledge regarding the country of origin, heritage of the people, …show more content…
The provider should comprehend roles such as head of household, gender, extended family, and domestic partners. When dealing with children it is important to acknowledge the role of the parents as well as prescriptive and restrictive behaviors accepted within a culture.
Workforce Issues The domain surrounding workforce issues requires an increased awareness of the impact gender roles, perception of tardiness, language barriers, and perceptions of autonomy and authority have on workforce concerns.
Bicultural ecology Understanding the physical, biological and psychosocial differences in specific ethnic groups is critical to thorough and complete care. For example understanding variations in skin color may determine methods of physical assessment or knowledge of prevalence of specific conditions in specific ethnic groups allowing for early diagnosis and treatment. Before considering pharmacological treatment, providers must consider variations in drug metabolism and cultural attitudes regarding medications.