The Core Movie

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To begin, "The Core" is a geology based movie, which takes place as if the world was going to end because the outer Core of the Earth stopped rotating. In order to solve the problem six people specialized in different areas (e.g., science, geology, astronomy) come together to travel through the core to set up nuclear explosions to restart the rotation of the Earth's core. This movie contains many realistic aspects that help students learn about geography, however, it also contains some unrealistic aspects. In the movie, the Earth's interior parts were accurately presented as the movie talked about the crust, mantle, inner core and outer core, which were shown throughout the trip to the Core and there was also a brief description about each …show more content…
Although, Earth does have a magnetic field as stated in the movie, the magnetic field cannot break, and the outer core of the Earth cannot also stop rotating. Even though, the outer core of the Earth stopped spinning because of "Project Destini" in the movie, there is nothing we can do in real life that would cause the core to eventually stop spinning. The ship, "Virgil" that allowed the crew to travel to the Core is highly unrealistic because no one has travelled through the mantle yet. Within the movie, it showed us additional parts of the Earth's Core which are unrealistic (e.g., the empty space and the amethyst crystals) as the temperature and pressure in the mantle do not allow there to be any empty space or amethyst crystals. Overall, I would rate this movie a 8.5/10 as a Geography learning tool because even though it contained unrealistic parts of the core or strange environmental problems that Earth experienced, it still taught the viewer about the main 4 layers of the Earth, the characteristics and many more, which allows the viewer to receive a thorough understanding of the Earth's

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